Becoming a Flight Staff Cadet
Are you currently an Air Cadet who is passionate about gliding? Are you also:
- – Aged 16+
- – Enthusiastic
- – Committed
- – A teamplayer
- – Trustworthy
- – Healthy
Yes? Well, you sound like you could be the perfect applicant to join 632 VGS as a Flight Staff Cadet.
It is expected that FSCs would attend at least 3 out of 4 weekends per month as a minimum. To demonstrate your commitment to the squadron, for the first six months, you would operate as part of the Ground Staff team. In this role, you would be assisting the squadron with managing the visiting Cadets and with Launch Point operations such as attaching cables and being wing-tip orderly for launches. After this time you would then transfer to the Flying Training, beginning the Gold Wings syllabus.
The squadron typically will recruit a select number of FSCs at any one time. Therefore, it is possible that we are not recruiting any FSCs at the moment. If you would like more information, or simply just to register your interest.